About Us

Category: MB - About Us
Who is Marvelous Borneo?
Marvelous Borneo Tours & Events Sdn Bhd (CO. NO. 1087640-T) (Tourism license: KPK/LN 7587) is a licensed land tour operator based in Sabah, Malaysia supported by Malaysia Tourism and Sabah Tourism Board. Marvelous Borneo team consist of members that had experience working in tourism industry line for more than 10 years and familiar with most of the attractions and tour packages offered in Sabah. We specialize in providing hassle-free of exciting inbound tour packages ranging from nature-oriented tour to value-for-money adventure packages for all valuable domestic & international clients. We truly want to make your stay in Sabah Borneo with an unforgettable memories and experience that will be etched for a long time. In fact, this is really what travel and touring is all about.
Our Mission:
Our Vision:
Why Choose Us?
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