Category: MB - Via Ferrata
There are a variety of via ferrata grading systems, with the sole purpose of providing you with a guideline as to the difficulty of each via ferrata route. We recommend beginners to start with easy routes before going on to more difficult routes.
Following are the most popularly used grading system:
This is one of the most straight forward grading systems, but you must be aware of the difficulty range that each level covers.
F - Facile
Easy, suitable for initiation into the sport
PD - Peu Difficile
Not very hard, suitable for beginners and possible children
AD - Assez Difficile
Fairly hard, suitable for accompanied beginners
D - Difficile
Difficult, for those accustomed to the sport
TD - Tres Difficile
Very difficult, physically demanding, for regular participants
ED - Extremement Difficile
Extremely difficult, very physically demanding and suitable for experienced practitioners with a high level of fitness
This system was developed mainly for mountain based via ferate and it is a little more complicated. It takes into account the terrain (Fletcher/Smith) and the technical (Hofler/Werner) skills required for each individual route. Both the Fletcher/Smith and the Hofler/Werner rating have to be used together for a proper rating to be established.
Fletcher/Smith Rating
1 - Easy
2 - Straight forward
3 - Difficult and not for novice
4 - Demanding, steep ascending, require a degree of mountaineering experience
5 - Highest technical standard, only for the experienced mountaineer
Hofler/Werner Rating
A - For foot sure mountain walkers, easy and without problems
B - For foot sure mountain walkers free of vertigo, easy
C - Sure footedness and freedom from vertigo necesssary
D - Absolute sure footedness and freedom from vertigo necessary
E - Additional mountain experience and climbing ability necessary
F - Good climbing technique on very steep rock required
Low's Peak Circuit - French AD, Italian 3C
Walk the Torq - French PD, Italian 2A
Grading systems are only a guideline, not a rule.
Choose your route carefully based on your own abilities.
Keeping in mind that it is in a mountain environment.
source: courtesy of Mountain Torq ™
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